There is no Green Button but you should start today
4 Easy Things to start going green and move to sustainable business
No matter how big or small your organization is, green makes business sense.
There is no GREEN BUTTON.
But what your organization must do is:
Your organization should appoint a dedicated Sustainability Leader at the executive level and this is her or his # 1 focus and role:
Why? There are so many moving parts and it requires a focused and unified strategy.
There must be C-Suite buy-in, committment and the authority to embedd OKRs, Goals organization wide to make a meaningful difference.
There will be great ROI but allocate 2 years as any good strategy / new line of business takes a least 18 months.
Know thy self (your organization): you cannot know what you do not know. Before you journey, assess your organization: Your ESG / Sustainability Due Diligence. Find your areas of strength, weakness, and areas to improve immediately and long term. This little investment will provide a road map.
Pick # 1 major area: Energy, Waste, Supply Chain, Partnership, Facilities, Real Estate, Water, Heat, etc and you will be able to drive savings and ROI with OKRs and KPIs to track ongoing improvements.
Partnership, Partnership, Partnership (P3): Do not go alone. Have your dedicated Sustainability Head lead this. Your success will be finding the best long term strategic partners, vendors, and investment partners.
Healthcare Organization’s could make millions back on energy and new renewerables on their data use alone. There are meaningful programs and partnership available for these efforts.
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In kindness,
Michael Mann
IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) will accelerate investment and opportunities
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